Learn Chemistry!
Intro - "What is chemistry?"
Chemistry is everything. You can make it as broad or as narrow as you like, but in a nut shell, chemistry is everything. The scroll wheel you have your finger on as you read through this, is chemistry. The emotion you just felt is chemistry. Your computer is chemistry. Of the three sciences, chemistry, biology, and physics; chemistry trumps. You can't have physics without matter. You can't have life without carbon. It's not all about lifeless people in white coats mixing things together, it's what defines a person - both their physical and mental features.
First of all, I would like to complement you on reading this. One shows character by striving to learn, as opposed to living the ignorant life. There is no reason we, as humans, should only know how to do what the boss tells us, or what the teachers want us to know. We should go above and beyond, and learn whats hidden behind the doors that few open. Chemistry can be your key, and perhaps afterwards, it can bring to you a gratifying career.
There are many different branches of chemistry, and those branches are all subdivided into other branches. However, you only need to know the main branches for now. There is inorganic chemistry, which is chemistry involving chemicals not related to hydrocarbons. Then there is organic chemistry, which is the exact opposite of inorganic chemistry - it's the study of chemicals involving hydrocarbons (or their derrivatives). Organic chemistry will blow your mind once you get into it. Inorganic chemistry has clear rules to it, with little to no exceptions to those rules. Once you dive into organic chemistry, its best to forget those rules, because it writes it's own rules when it wants to. Don't worry though, we'll start off slow with the inorganics. You must walk before you can run.
My chemistry lessons will be different from your chemistry class. Chemistry class will bore anyone to death. It even bores me to death, despite my insatiable love for chemistry - you would often see me sleeping in my advanced chemistry classes. It's because there is no way for teachers to apply it in a way that makes us want to learn it. If I told you, you could mix chemicals A + B, then light it on fire, and it would burn green, then purple, then blow up, you'd think that was awesome. Eventually, you'd want to know why, and what those chemicals were. In chemistry class, there obviously are no explosives allowed, so they substitute reactions producing Calcium carbonate (blackboard chalk), or sodium chloride (salt). Obviously there is nothing interesting about chalk and salt, as you can buy them by the kiloton from the grocery store.
This is why the focal point of my website is based around explosives or pyrotechnics. In my opinion, everyone should be given a reason to learn something. This is true even more-so for less developed minds. Very few appreciate english class, right? Well the general thought goes something like "I'll never need to pick the subject and helping verb out of a memo from my boss, why do I need this?". A common retort to this, is something around "Well you need to be well-rounded.". Myself being a teenager (thus, with a less developed mind) will not find this answer sufficient. No matter what tone is used, or how often you say it, you simply can't make someone want to learn something. This is, of course, unless they can see an immediate result of their knowledge. And the more impressive the result, the better. I see explosives fitting into the category of 'impressive result'.
Chemistry is not dangerous. Plain and simple, if all safety procedures are in place, you wont get hurt. The same goes for explosives. There are no explosives that are genuinely unsafe. I'm sure that made a few readers grimmace. In all honesty, the explosive is only as dangerous as the person handling it, or making it. Yes, there are a few explosives that can detonate without any human intervention. Those would have safety procedures specific to that explosive. In all events, the explosive could simply be avoided.
For those who are curious, my chemistry lessons will also only teach you what you need to know, to understand material on my website. I will group the lessons in three groups. Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. At the end of the beginner level course, the student should be quite proficient at many things covered on this site. After this point, the student should be able to continue his or her learning curve at an accelerated pace. This can be continued simply by contacting me or many other people who enjoy chemistry. I wish you the best of luck on your future adventures, and hopefully my intro has enticed you enough to continue learning.