Douchermann's Chemistry and Pyrotechnics Tutorials and other information
Ignorance is my intolerance; This website was established to combat the relentless propagation of ignorance by the media.
Alternative methods of self annihilation |
Includes some inorganic syntheses, proper laboratory technique, safety rules, list of some popular OTC chemicals, along with proper use and maintenance of laboratory equipment. |
I usually always video-tape detonations and tests of different materials. Unfortunately I can not find all of my videos, but I did provide you with the ones I have found. |
Here you'll find syntheses of many common (and some uncommon) inorganic compounds. These include, but are not limited to acids, bases, gasses, elements, and salts. |
Chemistry involving the carbon-carbon bond and other organics. Includes organic chemistry terminology, as well as a large database of syntheses. All written and performed by me. |
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For those readers of my site that venture out on their own. Some have great success with the experiments they try, so here you'll find syntheses written by them, with credit to them. |
Compounds with high energy capable of great destruction |
Running your lab Information within includes information to start up a lab, and run it, in your own place of residence. |
Pretty colors and the smell of sulfur. Contains information from black powder manufacture to complicated aerial shell manufacture. |
This is the stuff that couldn't fit elsewhere. Includes personal thoughts/opinions, failed experiments, media bashing, my lab, etc. |
Ways to make sure your pyrotechnic or explosive device go off. Includes electric ignitions, and fuse/flame based ignition methods. Also contains information on making detonators. |
Methods you can use to contact me. Don't worry, I don't bite. |
Read information about the creator of this web site (me). |
Certain text files and messages contained on a0tu deal with activities and devices which would be in violation of various Federal, State, and local laws if actually carried out or constructed. The webmasters of a0tu do not advocate the breaking of any law. Our text files and message bases are for informational purposes only. We recommend that you contact your local law enforcement before doing anything that is mentioned on this web site.